Three Rivers Community Action conducts SNAP (formerly known as Food Support) outreach and application assistance. Persons interested in applying for SNAP may self-screen their household for eligibility at the Bridge to Benefits website. If households need assistance to apply for SNAP either on-line or by paper, they may contact 507-316-0610. A referral will be made to the appropriate staff member, who will contact them to set up an appointment. Persons applying for SNAP will need to include verification of the identity of the Head of Household (driver’s license, state id, passport), Social Security Numbers for all people applying for assistance, income verification, and housing and utility costs, and Child Support paid (if applicable). Persons who are over 60 or disabled and have out-of-pocket, unreimbursed medical expenses exceeding $35.00 will also need to verify those. Persons not needing assistance to apply may access the Combined Application Form by applying online at or by downloading the paper application and printing it, completing it and sending it with their verifications in to their local County Social Services Offices.