Interested in homeownership but not sure where to start? We can help!

Three Rivers has experienced homeownership counselors on staff who can help you through the home buying process. This free service, available in multiple languages, can help you with:

• Debt reduction
• Credit report education, repair and rebuilding
• Developing spending and savings plans
• Steps in the homebuyer process
• Homebuyer education classes
• Financial literacy classes

Following an intake process with one of our trained and certified homeownership staff, participants are referred to the program that best meets their needs. To get started, fill out the intake here:  Intake Form

Financial Coaching

One-on-one financial coaching is geared toward households who are more than a year away from being ready for homeownership. Coaches work with each participant to set goals and build the financial skills that will help them qualify for a mortgage and purchase a home. Regular meetings are customized around the individual’s needs and goals, such as establishing credit, repairing credit, setting and following a budget, increasing savings and building assets. Clients receive a free credit report as part of this service.

Pre-Purchasing Counseling

Households that are less than one year away from homeownership receive one-on-one counseling on homeownership topics that include qualifying for and selecting a mortgage product, navigating the homebuying process, budgeting and saving for homeownership, and preparing for the responsibilities of ownership.

Three Rivers is a HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agency.  Services are available in person or via phone to households in southeastern Minnesota. Please contact us now to find out how our coaches can help find the services right for you!